Department of Christian Education


Christian Education rooted in the Christian worldview places God at the centre of the universe. God has a special plan for his creation which He has been faithful to execute throughout history. Christian Education is unlimited in its discovery of God’s truth to be found in every sphere of life. It also provides an accurate comprehension of the Church as the body of Christ, and its role in encouraging believers, making productive disciples of Christ, and serving as a setting for ministry.The curriculum of this Department provides biblical and theological education for those anticipating vocations as ministers of Christian education, children’s workers, ministers of youth, or ministers of adults. It is also designed following the adoption of educational policies to equip students in training or practicing educators with theological knowledge to better improve, grow and nourish the church, family, and society by emphasising the important roles played by the Christian educational agencies at all levels. The department is open to all called ministers of God and other workers like Sunday school teachers, children teachers, parents (for godly parenting), and those in the teaching ministry.

This programme can be undertaken at both the undergraduate (certificate, diploma, and degree) and Postgraduate levels.


  1. To provide professional leadership and management skills for the Christian Education Department.
  2. To provide a high-quality educational experience for all students to raise the levels of attainment and achievement.
  3. To ensure that teachers are clear about teaching objectives, understand the sequence of teaching and learning in the subject, and communicate this to students.
  4. To equip teachers with a wide range of skills needed in disseminating knowledge, assessing learners’ acquisition, andreinforcing Christian virtues in the learners of varying classes.
  5. To engage teachers with cognitive, affective, and psychomotor education that enables them to fit as functional members of the larger society.
  6. To provide a Christian-based learning experience that enables students to assist the church in the ministries of the word, counselling, discipleship, prayer, revival,and reconciliation.
    vii. To raise spirit-filled Christian educators who will be world changers and role models in every facet of influence.

Entry Requirements

The general entry requirements of the Christ Apostolic Church Theological Seminary, Ile Ife are applicable to prospective candidates of this department.